We provide Hatha Yoga classes based in Hawaii, taught by caring and bilingual instructors both in English and Japanese, meeting our students' conditions or levels from beginners to experienced.
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Takae Okuma-Johnson, ERYT-200, RYT-500 ( Teaching Hatha Yoga in both English and Japanese)

A bilingual (English/Japanese) and compassionate yoga teacher with multicultural background as well as 20+ years’ experience of various yoga styles in Japan, U.S. (California and Hawaii), and India. Completed Advanced Teacher’s Training Course at AyurYoga Eco Ashram in Southern India and now focusing on the Hatha Yoga including basic~advanced asana (poses) , pranayama, and meditation. Certified RYT-500. Her happiest time is when her students find how to balance of body, mind and spirit to regain their well-being through yoga practices. President of Big Bear, LLC (yoga, translation and publishing business).
ヨーガの基礎から中上級までを日英両語で教えるRYT-500インストラクター。日本、米国(カリフォルニア&ハワイ)、インドなどで20年以上にわたって様々なスタイルのヨーガを学んだ後に、南インドのAyurYoga Eco Ashramにてハタヨーガの上級インストラクター養成講座を修了。幅広い層の生徒それぞれがコンディションに応じて心身ともにより健康になれるよう、アーサナ(ポーズ)とプラニヤーマ(呼気調整法)、メディテーションを懇切丁寧に指導している。Yoga &翻訳・出版業 Big Bear, LLC代表。
Will be coming soon
Will be coming soon